Below are some resources that will help you to take action and be a part of making Foster City--and the planet--a more sustainable place to live.
Be an ECO Hero!
By Opting Up! to ECO100 with Peninsula Clean Energy, you can power your home with 100% clean energy. For the average household, this premium is only about $2.50 more per month than what you would usually pay PG&E!
In addition to the rebates offered by the City of Foster City, explore rebates available from PG&E for energy-efficient and electric appliances, including qualifying smart thermostats and BayREN, which offers rebates for air sealing, duct sealing, insulation, heat pump equipment, and more. Use Peninsula Clean Energy's Rebate Finder to find more rebates and incentives.
Check-It-Out Home Energy and Water Saving Toolkit
The Check-It-Out Home Energy and Water Saving Toolkit program provides free resources to help San Mateo County residents perform a basic assessment of the efficiency of their home energy and water use and to improve it where possible. This program is not only designed to help residents save money on their utility bills, but also to increase the comfort of their home and act as an educational resource.
HomeIntel’s Smart Audit
Sign up for HomeIntel’s Smart Audit, a web-based tool that analyzes your smart meter data to determine your home’s unique energy profile and creates a custom energy savings plan. This program is available at no cost to Peninsula Clean Energy and PG&E customers.
Help California Save Water!
Learn about water conservation tips and strategies, get rebates to purchase your own rain barrel, and sign up for landscape and water resource classes!
Recycling & Waste
Foster City offers a variety of environmental programs to help you reduce your footprint and get the most out of your waste management. Learn about compost incentives, recycling strategies, advice for construction and demolition projects, and free big item pick-ups.
San Mateo County Office of Sustainability
The San Mateo County Office of Sustainability provides a no-cost education and outreach program to raise awareness around sustainability and empower community members with the knowledge and skills to promote sustainability! A diverse range of classes are offered by local experts on cutting-edge sustainability information and practices.
Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BAYREN)
San Mateo County and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BAYREN) partnered to help homeowners learn about how to reduce their energy use, increase comfort, and add value to their homes. The partnerships allow for great cash incentives and rebates!