Climate Action Planning

The current Climate Action Plan (CAP) was adopted by City Council in 2016 but needs updating to reflect City and State legislation, priorities, and policies related to environmental sustainability and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction.


This is an opportunity for the Foster City community to provide feedback on the DRAFT Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update for Foster City. We have been working to develop the CAP since September 2022 and are thrilled to share this DRAFT version with you all for public comment to help finalize the CAP. The CAP sets ambitious targets, including reducing emissions by 50% below 2005 levels by 2030 and aiming for an 85% reduction before 2045.

We want to hear your comments, questions, and suggestions! Read through the CAP under Documents to provide your input. All comments and questions should be directed to

On March 21, 2023, the City hosted the second hybrid Resilient & Sustainable Foster City Community Workshop. At the Workshop, participants heard about project updates, collaborated with friends and neighbors to give feedback on proposed strategies, and generated new ideas for the City's update to the Climate Action Plan.

On January 12, 2023, dozens of community members joined City Staff, Cascadia Consulting, and all members of the Citizens Sustainability Advisory Committee at our virtual Resilient & Sustainable Foster City Community Workshop. This interactive workshop focuses on community values and priorities as the City engages in the Climate Action Planning process.

The City of Foster City has been a leader in environmental sustainability has adopted an innovative Climate Action Plan as part of a General Plan update during Fiscal Year 2015-2016. The existing Climate Action Plan implementation operates within the City Manager’s Office, with key staff in each department accountable for various metrics on the Climate Action Plan.

Keep updated on the Climate Action Planning Process!